Cinematic Trailer Breakdown

    A cinematic trailer was released earlier which shows us a glimpse of what the game’s story is about. Let’s break that down. So it starts with some guy named Coen carrying what looks like a person in the dead of night with a village burning behind him, while some men with torches who I guess are the ones responsible for that village being burnt is looking for them. They run past a graveyard into what looks like an abandoned church before they are ultimately found by the soldiers. We learn that Coen’s sister, named Lunka, is sick with something. We also learn that they are killing the people who are sick with the plague and I guess burning the bodies too to prevent the spread, which is actually pretty historically accurate.

    Before a soldier can kill Coen, his leg gets torn off by some sort of mist-like creature who turns out to be a vampire. And it’s not just one vampire, but a lot of them. One of them even has what looks like a Mongolian soldier outfit on, who proceeds to go full Arkham Batman on some soldier. One of the vampires uses a sword to fight off some soldiers before producing fangs and mauling one, and then there’s a female vampire who produces some appendages to kill a soldier and uses telekinesis to turn another one into a red puddle.

    After the fighting dies down Coen realizes that his sister isn’t responding at all. Either because the plague is finally taking its toll on her body or because she’s been tossed around like a ragdoll, but one of the vampires, who kinda looks like Count Orlok from the movie Nosferatu puts Coen in a trance and takes her from Coen’s arms and apparently heals her with his blood. “I am life, I am death, I am everything in between” is a very hard line to drop after slaughtering a group of people. The vampire then announces that things will be changing around there which I guess is their way of announcing that they will be taking over.

    We then skip to a new scene with Coen hanging onto a pole on a roof, with silver eyes which I guess hints at something vampiric. What I noticed is that while Coen’s pupils here are silver instead of his original dark brown, his sclera is still white, while the vampires we saw have black ones. I’m not sure what this means, like, is he in the middle of turning into a vampire? Maybe his transformation isn’t finished yet. We see him drop down from the roof, using his claws to slide down and slow down his fall while unsuspecting guards walk below him.

    The cinematic trailer then shows us some very short combat sequences where Coen uses his claws to fight soldiers. He even teleports above a soldier and slashes down at him using his claws. The scene then shifts into daytime where Coen is fighting some mechanical glowing thing using a sword before the trailer ends with the words “Gameplay Reveal Summer 2025”. Honestly, that got me really hyped up, especially with the combat. I also think that since they’re planning on revealing the gameplay in a few months, the game has been really developed to the point that they are comfortable revealing them.

    I think we can upgrade Coen to have all sorts of abilities he can do, and I think the scene where the vampires kill the soldiers is some sort of a showcase where they are hinting at some of the abilities you can use in the game. I hope it’s not a “Lies of P” type of game where you need to choose your upgrades carefully or else it will affect Coen’s humanity or something like that. I just want to go hard with my vampiric abilities and go on a massive rampage with them. I also think there are a lot of choices in this game, more specifically with how you can choose to ally with either the humans or the vampires. I mean, the vampires did heal his sister and saved them from the soldiers, but then again they sound like they’re going to be jerks who will rule with an iron fist so there’s that. If Witcher 3 was anything to go by, I’m guessing there will be a lot of morally grey-area moments in this game, where your choices aren’t necessarily good or bad.

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